By Brian Arslanian, MD

Are you sick of looking at photos of yourself and seeing that double chin? Do you find yourself always trying to push that loose skin and fat back up? If you do, you join 67% of the population who are not happy with their “submental fullness” which is the medical term for a double-chin.

Don’t I just need to go on a diet

Everyone thinks they just need to eat better and workout more…..not necessarily the case though. Submental fullness can be caused by weight gain, aging, and your own genetics. We see lots of patients that are pretty normal weight, but are bothered by this submental fullness. And they tell you their sisters, their dad, and so on all have this.

So what can you do about it?

Well, up until now liposuction was the man treatment unless you were ready for a full surgical neck lift. But now, Allergan, the company that make Botox,® has released Kybella ™. Is it the first AND ONLY, FDA Approved injectable for the treatment of submental fullness. It works by actually destroying your fat cells….that means they NEVER WILL COME BACK!

So How is it done?

Kybella is administed as an injectable in the office. It takes about 10-20 minutes to get set up and perform the procedure. The patients that have had it all done, report that the pain is about a 1-2 out of 10, most of them saying it is equivalent to the discomfort of Botox®. After marking out the area to be injected, a marking grid is applied to the area to ensure the injections are spaced out. The Kybella is then injected with a very small needle. You will ice the area immediately in the office to help with swelling and discomfort…..and then you go home!

What is the follow up like and recovery?

GREAT QUESTION! In the first few days after injection patients experience very little to moderate swelling of the neck. It is usually not painful, but you might want to plan your injections before the weekend, and not right before a big event. I typically see my patients at 1 week to see how things are going and ensure there are no complications. I will then see them around 4 weeks which is when we should start seeing some results. At that point a determination is made as to whether additional treatments are wanted or needed. The treatments should be spaced out every 4-6 weeks.

What is the follow up like and recovery?

GREAT QUESTION! In the first few days after injection patients experience very little to moderate swelling of the neck. It is usually not painful, but you might want to plan your injections before the weekend, and not right before a big event. I typically see my patients at 1 week to see how things are going and ensure there are no complications. I will then see them around 4 weeks which is when we should start seeing some results. At that point a determination is made as to whether additional treatments are wanted or needed. The treatments should be spaced out every 4-6 weeks.

Are patients satisfied?

In the clinical study done, 80% of patients were satisfied with their outcome, treatment plan, and amount of money they invested into the procedure. In my practice, all my patients so far said they would do it again if given the choice….but the great thing is they don’t need to…because the results are as close to permanent as you can get.

So what is stopping you?

I don’t know! Call us for your thorough consultation so you can have an in person evaluation to see if you are a good candidate for the treatment, and get that slim neck you have been dreaming of.

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