
In Atlanta



Diet and exercise are the dynamic duo of wellness. But regardless of how healthy our lifestyle may be, we are all trying to lose those last 10-20 lbs. No matter what we do, that stubborn fat just won’t seem to go. That is where liposuction comes into play. Liposuction can rid you of unwanted fat wherever it may linger. As an outpatient procedure with minimal downtime, liposuction might be the answer you have been looking for.

If you are considering Liposuction, come and see Dr. Brian Arslanian at Arslanian Plastic Surgery in Atlanta, GA. Dr. Arslanian is a Double Board Certified Plastic Surgeon who specializes in Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery and is ready to work with you. Find out how Dr. Arslanian can help elevate your appearance by enabling you to achieve your ideal body goals with Liposuction today.

woman standing on a bed | Arslanian Plastic Surgery Atlanta

Body Sculpting

What is Liposuction?

Liposuction: Surgical finesse meets sculpting prowess. This procedure utilizes suction to selectively banish fat from stubborn spots like the abdomen, thighs, and arms, while simultaneously chiseling those areas into sleek contours—a process aptly termed “contouring.” When diet and exercise hit a plateau, liposuction emerges as the savvy solution for achieving that coveted silhouette. However, let’s be clear: it’s no magic bullet for obesity or cellulite, nor a stand-in for healthy habits. Best suited for those with a bit of extra padding within a healthy weight range, liposuction offers a smart, tailored approach to refining body aesthetics.

Dr. Arslanian uses an array of Liposuction techniques, based on your individual case: 

Tumescent Liposuction

In this technique, a tumescent fluid bathes your fat cells, numbing them and loosening them for extraction. The healing fluid helps to constrict blood vessels to minimize blood loss and also creates separation between the skin and fat to allow for safe liposuction.

Ultrasonic-Assisted Liposuction (UAL)

If you have scar tissue or remaining fat from a previous liposuction, then you may benefit from ultrasonic liposuction. The concentrated waves from the specialized cannula can sculpt difficult areas like the upper back and address conditions such as gynecomastia (enlarged male breasts). Ultrasonic liposuction allows for delicate reshaping of thin layers of fat. 

Power-Assisted Liposuction (PAL)

This technique is identical to tumescent liposuction except the cannula is mechanically enhanced. Power-assisted liposuction helps to increase the efficiency of the procedure, especially in high-volume liposuction cases. 

SAFE Liposuction

Dr. Arslanian believes in and utilizes the technique of SAFE liposuction. SAFE is an acronym that stands for Separation Aspiration Fat Equalization. In this technique, no special lasers or devices are used, only common sense, safe techniques. The first step involves using a “Basket” type cannula to pre-tunnel and SEPARATE the fat and skin layers. A standard liposuction cannula is then used to ASPIRATE the fat. Another “Basket” type cannula is then used, without suction, to EQUALIZE the FAT to prevent dimpling and contour irregularities. This allows the skin to lay back down on the tissue like a smooth blanket, rather than a rocky bed with bumps and crevices. The SAFE method maximizes the likelihood of an excellent outcome for patients.

What are the benefits of Liposuction?

Liposuction empowers individuals to contour their bodies to reflect their ideal vision. The cannula roots out stubborn fat where it lives, removing excess bulk pleasingly and precisely. We commonly treat buttocks, back, arms, thighs, abdomen, and chest areas. The benefits you can experience from this surgery include:

  • Minimally-invasive
  • Exact and meticulous
  • Helps clothes fit more flatteringly
  • Reduces girth
  • Increases confidence

To experience the benefits of liposuction for yourself, schedule an individualized consultation at our Atlanta location today.

Who are the best candidates Liposuction?

The ideal candidate for liposuction is someone in good health with reasonable expectations of the procedure’s outcome. Dr. Arslanian will explain the potential risks and complications that may occur, and he will ensure that potential patients understand these conditions. Candidates should be close to their ideal body weight in order to achieve the best possible results. Patients who are trying to use liposuction as a means to lose weight are not good candidates. Patients who have experienced massive weight loss and are left with excess loose skin are also not ideal candidates, as a surgical procedure to excise the skin is probably the appropriate operation.

To determine if liposuction is the best course of action for you, contact Dr. Arslanian and his knowledgeable, attentive team.

First Steps

What’s the first step?

hello gorgeous interior | Arslanian Plastic Surgery Atlanta Before & After Plastic Surgery Results | male procedure

The first step to getting Liposuction in Atlanta is to schedule a consultation with us. During your consultation, you will meet with Dr. Arslanian and his staff. You will have the opportunity to discuss your individual situation as well as your concerns and aesthetic goals. Dr. Arslanian will take a thorough history and perform a complete examination, assessing your areas of concern, skin quality, and fat distribution. 

Photos will be taken to help Dr. Arslanian illustrate his strategy and explain his approach to liposuction. If you are deemed a good candidate, he will discuss the various options for liposuction and make sure you are happy with your decision. He will also show you photos of other patients’ Before & After photos to give you a reasonable idea of expectations. After answering all your questions, you will then sit down with the surgical coordinator to discuss timing, pricing, and any other questions you might have.

Before the day of your surgery, Dr. Arslanian and his team will give you instructions to prep your body, some of which can include fasting for a certain amount of time or avoiding medications like blood thinners.

What to expect on the day of Liposuction surgery

On the day of your appointment, the Liposuction procedure will be performed under general anesthesia. Preoperative markings will typically be made on the morning of surgery.

After you are sedated, Dr. Arslanian will start by gently making his small incisions to gain access to the areas requiring treatment. A tumescent fluid will then be injected into the planned areas of liposuction. Dr. Arslanian will then utilize the aforementioned principles of SAFE liposuction to remove unwanted fat from your target areas. Depending on your situation, ultrasonic or power-assisted liposuction might also be utilized. The incisions will then be skillfully closed and you will be placed into a compression garment. You will be taken to the recovery room after awakening from anesthesia.

Liposuction recovery

You will go home the same day of surgery to rest. You will need to wear a compression garment 23 hours a day for the first 4-6 weeks. This will help to minimize the swelling and speed up your recovery. After 6 weeks, you will transition to a slightly less compressive garment, like “Spanx”, to continue your healing process. Depending on your pain tolerance, some people might be back to work the next day, and others may need a week or so off of work to get back to 100%. Most patients resume full, normal activity by the 4-6 week mark.


Liposuction Cost

How much does Liposuction cost in Atlanta, GA?

The cost of 360 liposuction in Atlanta is approximately $11,000.

For a personalized quote based on your goals, please schedule a consultation with Dr. Arslanian by calling (678) 894-9200 and take the first step toward achieving your aesthetic goals.

The cost of liposuction in Atlanta varies based on the number and size of the areas being contoured, as well as any additional procedures you may choose to combine with it. During your consultation, Dr. Arslanian will develop a personalized treatment plan, and our team will provide you with a detailed, customized quote.


Doctor Arslanian | Arslanian Plastic Surgery Atlanta
Doctor Arslanian | Arslanian Plastic Surgery Atlanta

Why choose Arslanian Plastic Surgery?

When you come to Arslanian Plastic Surgery for Liposuction, you will be in good hands with Dr. Arslanian and his team. Dr. Arslanian obtained his medical degree from the University at Buffalo and then went on to complete a rigorous training program in General Surgery at one of the prestigious Harvard Hospitals: Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center. During his residency he discovered his passion for plastic surgery: both cosmetic and reconstructive. He then completed another 3 years of specialized training in Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery at Emory University, an epicenter for plastic surgery in the United States. 

As a Double Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Arslanian has launched and grown his practice into a busy mix of cosmetic and reconstructive surgery to help patients from all over the Metro Atlanta area. Dr. Arslanian’s goal for every patient is to create a beautiful, natural look, using the safest techniques he has learned.  Dr. Arslanian is an active member of the most prestigious plastic surgery societies, the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and The Aeshteic Society.


Schedule a consultation

During your consultation, you will meet with Dr. Arslanian and his staff. You will have the opportunity to discuss your individual situation as well as your concerns and aesthetic goals. Dr. Arslanian will take a thorough history and perform a complete examination, assessing your areas of concern, skin quality, and fat distribution. Photos will be taken to help Dr. Arslanian illustrate his strategy and explain his approach to liposuction.  If you are deemed a good candidate, he will discuss the various options for liposuction and make sure you are happy with your decision. He will also show you photos of other patients’ Before & After photos to give you a reasonable idea of expectations. After answering all your questions, you will then sit down with the surgical coordinator to discuss timing, pricing, and any other questions you might have.

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